Richmond College

Richmond College gains visibility and secures all network devices
Visibility and Security Across the Entire Network Case Study
The Challenge

The College identified the need to gather a full understanding of precisely what is attached to their network. They wanted visibility and security of every connected device – from traditional servers, workstations and PCs to newer and more vulnerable IoT devices.

Many higher education institutions also have a lack of visibility into their ‘Shadow IT’ devices – the practice of technology and devices that are deployed without the knowledge or approval of the IT department.

The provisioning of bring your own device (BYOD) added another security challenge with students bringing in devices that were not always fully updated and secure.

Stephen went on to explain that the College takes its duty of care to its students, faculty, and staff very seriously ‘..given that we have a significant proportion of under 18s, we have to be extra careful; safeguarding is key.’

“We had lost sight of all of the devices that were attached over the years – we needed to understand exactly what was connected to ensure no ‘back-doors’ or vulnerabilities could be exploited”.

Stephen Hacon, IT Manager